Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Decklists // Not Just The Same Old Thing

It's been a little while since my last blog and I was hoping to be able to share with you yet more exploits from my amazing decks in winning yet another tournament, and thus show off my latest deck designs.  Unfortunately this plan, while sounding flawless, hit two sizeable snags:

1) I don't have any new decks, and instead played the Chaos Theory and NBN decks I used to win the last tournament, with very few changes from the addition of Opening Moves.

2) I lost.  Badly.

Although Chaos Theory remained true and managed to go 4-0 the change to my all-conquering NBN deck of just one card but it was clearly enough to throw off the delicate office feng shui of my corporation and I suffered from terrible draws all day and went 1-3 with it. 

How terrible were my draws?  In one game I didn't draw a single piece of Ice all game.  That was the game that I won!

The combination of the sad realisation that I was going to play the same decks again, and the punishment for doing so of ignominious defeat, has meant I've taken my decks apart and will spend some time exploring new Factions and new Identities.  With no decks of my own to showcase it's a good job that I have the opportunity to highlight some of the more interesting decks to have come out of the ongoing Plugged In Tour that has some of Fantasy Flight Games' great and good travelling the USA, trailing promos and prizes in their wake.

Here then, are some deck designs from the Plugged In Tour from players who have proven both their creativity and their capability (both traits I was sadly lacking this past weekend).

by Kyle Walker (WINNER, Jester's Playhouse, NJ)

Event (19)
2 Account Siphon ****
3 Déjà Vu
2 Dirty Laundry
2 Emergency Shutdown **
2 Infiltration
2 Quality Time *
3 Sure Gamble
3 Vamp

Hardware (2)
2 Plascrete Carapace

Resource (11)
2 Armitage Codebusting
2 Data Leak Reversal
3 Joshua B
2 John Masanori
1 Liberated Accounts
1 Same Old Thing

Icebreaker (3)
3 Crypsis

Program (11)
2 Datasucker
3 Djinn
1 Gorman Drip *
2 Medium
1 Nerve Agent
2 Parasites

The main reason I want to highlight this deck is because I think this represents a glimpse of the future for Anarch decks.  At the Plugged In Tour the Anarchs have been squeezed to just 20% of Runners with Criminals and Shapers both about 40% (and Criminals winning most events, it seems).  It seems like players have turned their backs on Anarchs recently, and I think a lot of that is down to Opening Moves adding Jackson Howard to Corp decks, which has hit Noise decks pretty hard.

Previously Noise was the Anarch of choice with decks full of Viruses flipping valuable Agendas into the Corps' Archives to be plundered at will.  Jackson Howard's ability to rescue up to three cards from the Archives has largely neutered the threat from Noise' ability and led to many people ignoring Anarchs entirely.  Fortunately for Anarchs there are two Identities and while Noise has been hurt by Jackson Howard, Whizzard gains a bit of a boost.  Whizzard gives you 3 credits for trashing cards, and Jackson Howards cost 3 credits to trash.  How convenient!  In a world dominated by clones of Jackson Howards the humble Whizzard is their nemesis.

This deck takes the Criminal philosophy of ensuring the Corp has no credits at all to speak of by combining The Best Netrunner Card Ever (aka: Account Siphon) with the Anarch version, Vamp, and the ability to replay both those Events with Deja Vu or Same Old Thing.  If you can get into HQ you can rapidly make the Corp file for bankruptcy.  The tough part of that equation is actually getting into HQ in the first place and having played this deck a few times the definite weak spot, in my view, is the dependency on 3 Crypsis as your only Icebreakers.  This is where Criminal decks pack cards like Inside Job and Forged Activation Orders to help you frustrate the Corp, while Whizzard kind of has to do it the expensive way and actually pay to break in before it can use Emergency Shutdown on the Ice it already paid to break.

With your Events targetted at disrupting the Corp, and your Programs doing their best to help you break through their Ice with Parasites and Datasuckers, it's the Anarch's Resources that are left to do something a bit... unusual.  In my review of Opening Moves I was pretty critical of John Masanori and reader Simon Wray replied by saying it would be used in conjunction with Data Leak Reversal to recreate Noise's effect.  That sounded pretty janky to me but here it is, in a winning deck!  Although it may seem like a non-combo to play Resources in a deck that tries to tag itself with John Masanori or Joshua B the Whizzard deck gets by because the Corp can't pay to trash Resources if they don't have any money.  Once Account Siphon and Vamp get the Corp on its knees DLR can kick in to speed up finding Agendas.

This is a deck that has been proven to work, and which has some fun combinations to play around with.  If I played this deck I think I would want to be more confident I could break into HQ, maybe finding room for some Kraken to recur with Deja Vu and Same Old Thing to handle big Ice on HQ like Tollbooth or Archer.  But as a signpost towards a brave new post-Opening Moves world for Anarchs it's well worth trying out! 

"The Great Wall of Weyland"
Weyland: Because We Built It

by etherial (undefeated Corp deck, Manchester, NH)

Agenda (11)
2 Government Contracts
3 Geothermal Fracking
3 Project Atlas
3 Hostile Takeover

Assets (6)
3 Thomas Haas
3 Jackson Howard

ICE (18)
3 Hadrian's Wall
3 Archer
3 Enigma
3 Shadow
3 Caduceus
3 Ice Wall

Operation (11)
2 Scorched Earth
3 Beanstalk Royalties
3 Commercialisation
3 Trick of Light
3 Hedge Fund

Weyland Consortium is probably the strongest Corporation faction at the moment but it's the Building A Better World identity that is sweeping up tournaments, leaving the unfancied Because We Built It deep in its shadow.  Boardgamegeek forum regular etherial turned the weaker Weyland cousin into a powerhouse with this intriguing take on Weyland's advanceable Ice - a mechanic that has been largely ignored.

etherial explains the deck in his own words here better than I can, but I can easily give you flavour of what it's doing.  The key to the deck is the 9 pieces of advanceable Ice - Ice Wall, Shadow, and the hulking Hadrian's Wall - with this Identity can advance with the recurring credit it gains at the start of each turn.  Advancing each of these pieces of Ice raises their strength, making both Ice Wall and Hadrian's Wall tough obstacles for a runner to break through even with the best Barrier breakers available - and don't forget you're doing that without actually spending any cash because Weyland's ability lets you do it for free!

Ok, so you've got a big Wall in play, what next?  Well now the next phase of the plan kicks in, which is to use the rarely-played Commercialisation to cash in on your high-tech Ice Wall, frequently gaining 6, 7 or 8 credits at a time!  Better yet all those advancement counters are fodder for the Jinteki card Trick of Light, which etherial has brought in to help him advance and score Agendas the turn he installs them.  Combining tough hard-to-break Ice for scoring early Agendas with the fast advance Trick of Light to score Agendas in the late game makes the Great Wall of Weyland a formidable opponent that squarely aims to win the game with 7 Agenda points.

And, like many of the best decks, the Agendas here don't just serve to score points they also support the strategy, with Hostile Takeover, Geothermal Fracking and Government Contracts giving etherial so many credits that even the enormous Hadrians Wall can be paid for out of petty cash.  Hostile Takeover serves as fodder for the deadly Archer, and Project Atlas rounds out the core Agenda suite by adding the ability to search your deck for Trick of Light late in the game, and seal the win.

My experience of playing this deck is that it requires a totally different playstyle to most Corp decks, which I wasn't really expecting.  Instead of pushing out layers of Ice your focus is on deploying a few pieces of Ice and then constantly upgrading them, and that can seem very odd - are you really supposed to be doing this?  Yep.  If the deck has a weak spot it's that I found myself frequently pulling hands of cards that didn't really help much - when you've already got 20 credits a Commercialisation or Hedge Fund can be surplus to requirements, and when you're hiding behind a 12-strength Hadrians Wall adding a Shadow to your server doesn't do much to actually slow the Runner down.  Despite that, if you're looking for a new Corp experience then I can recommend giving The Great Wall of Weyland a try!

Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
by Rob Wiley (Joint Winner, Dice Dojo, Chicago)

Event (15)

3 Diesel
3 Sure Gamble
2 Test Run
2 Surge
3 Quality Time
2 Levy AR Lab Access

Hardware (17)
3 Cyberfeeder
2 Akamatsu Mem Chip
3 The Personal Touch
1 The Toolbox
2 Plascrete Carapace
1 e3 Feedback Implants
2 Replicator
3 R&D Interface

Resource (4)
1 Ice Carver
1 Kati Jones
2 Same Old Thing

Icebreaker (2)
1 Femme Fatale
1 Darwin

Program (7)
1 Datasucker
1 Magnum Opus
2 Cloak
3 Self-Modifying Code

Q: What do you get if you cross a Bear with a Killer Whale?

A: I don't want to be there when you find out.

What you really get, of course, is the wrecking ball AI Icebreaker, Darwin.  He eats ANYTHING, and there is an admirable simplicity about this deck.  Rob Wiley has decided he only needs one Icebreaker, really, and in fact that he only needs one copy of it.  Is it a bird?  Is it a plane?  No, it's Superkillerwhalebear!

Here are your four steps to Darwin heaven:

Step One: Find Darwin.  With 3 Self-Modifying Code, 2 Test Run, 3 Quality Time and 3 Diesel that shouldn't be too hard. 

Step Two: Put Darwin on steroids by using The Personal Touch and Replicator to rapidly add strength to Darwin that can't be removed by the Corp purging Virus counters.

Step Three: Feed Darwin a steady diet of credits for breaking Ice.  Cyberfeeder and Cloak are good for this, as is The Toolbox.  If the Corp is playing Bad Publicity then use that too, just for the heck of it.

Step Four: DARWIN SMASH!  Rip, tear and shred all Ice, all day.

That's about it.  The entire deck has a tremendously high Eggs to Basket ratio by playing a single copy of Darwin but with Surge to help rebuild lost Virus counters rapidly and Levy AR Lab Access to recycle the whole thing and start again should the unthinkable happen and Darwin is somehow trashed, this deck is surprisingly robust despite it's dependency on a single card.

For fun, versatility, and downright ballsiness this deck is pretty hard to beat.  The one thing Rob thinks is missing is a copy of Deus X for those pesky Jinteki matches and I think I tend to agree.  Regardless,  I love this deck and I love Rob for designing it.  

So there you have it.  No new decks from me, but some great decks from other people to get your creative juices flowing.  Hopefully I'll recover my mojo and have something new next time around, but until then... ciao!

A few readers have alerted to me to other winning decks from the Plugged In Tour that weren't the usual Andromeda/Weyland/NBN types but there's one that has been brought to my attention that I would have discussed first time around had I known there was a decklist available.  It's this staggeringly innovative Haas-Bioroid: Cerebral Imaging deck...

Cerebral Imaging: Infinite Frontiers
by Robert Henderson (unbeaten Corp deck, Cambridge, MA)

Agenda (11)

3 Accelerated Beta Test 
3 Efficiency Committee 
2 Gila Hands Arcology
3 Project Vitruvius

Asset (3)
3 Jackson Howard

ICE (12)
3 Eli 1.0
3 Viper
2 Chimera 
2 Rototurret
2 Heimdall 2.0

Operation (23)
3 Archived Memories
3 Beanstalk Royalties
3 Biotic Labor
2 Celebrity Gift
3 Green Level Clearance
3 Hedge Fund
3 Shipment from Mirrormorph
3 Shipment from Kaguya

I haven't had any personal experience with this deck but I can see exactly what it sets out to do, which is to build up towards the ultimate Fast Advance turn where you can score not just one Agenda out of hand, but MULTIPLE Agendas in one turn!!!

The key to this deck is the Identity, Cerebral Imaging, which turns your bank balance into your maximum hand size.  Throw that into a deck with explosive economy Operations like Beanstalk Royalties, Celebrity Gift, Green Level Clearance and Hedge Fund and you can rapidly build a hand of 20-odd cards or more and can happily build up a massive combination of cards in hand.  What you're ultimately building towards is a turn that looks something like this:

  • Click 1: Biotic Labour
  • Click 2: Biotic Labour
  • Click 3: Shipment From Mirrormorph - install Accelerated Beta Test and Project Vitruvius
  • Click 4: Shipment From Kaguya, Advance both Agendas
  • Click 5: Shipment From Kaguya, Advance both Agendas
  • Click 6: Advance and score Accelerated Beta TestClick 
  • 7: Advance and score Project Vitruvius

Winner, winner.  Chicken dinner.

If you scored an Agenda or two earlier in the game behind an efficient early Ice like Viper or Eli then that could well be the win on its own.  But if scoring two Agendas in one turn isn't GG then you can simply start again and build up to another big turn, using Archived Memories to return key Operations to hand.

Having such a huge hand of untrashable Operations getting in the way of the runner hitting Agendas from HQ mean HQ protection is only a moderate risk, and with such a huge amount of burst economy even Account Siphon can be shrugged off (though Vamp is a bigger problem), so long as you aren't hit by it in the first turn and find yourself forced to discard your whole hand.

One final point worth noting is that the deck takes full advantage of a loophole in the wording of Efficiency Committee.  If you were lucky enough to score Efficiency Committee early in the game then you can use the Agenda counters to gain extra clicks, just like a Biotic Labour.  Only, of course, you can't use those extra clicks to advance cards.  Which DOESN'T mean you can't put Advancement counters ONTO cards with Shipment From Kaguya.  Sneaky Corp is sneaky.  Scoring either an Efficiency Committee or Project Vitruvius early, with their hosted Agenda counters, makes the deck's final game-winning combo that much easier to score!

So there you go... one last deck to mull over, and yet another Corp that is doing something entirely different to the norm.  Two Corp decks and two Runner decks is a nice bit of symmetry so I'm going to leave it there.  Enjoy!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Opening Movies Set Review - Corp Cards

Welcome back, true believers, to my second look at Opening Moves and the Corp cards.  I will deliver precious little preamble but if you're suddenly confused by the appearance of a certain much-loved boggle-eyed green puppet then check out my Runner cards analysis for at least some suggestion of where he came from.

Project Ares

I started my Runner analysis by explaining I wasn't easily excited by a card but something in Project Ares keeps drawing out the exciteable part of me and occasionally I have to go for a sit down and take some deep breaths.  I'm pretty certain Project Ares is pretty horrible - the amount of time, money and clicks you have to invest into it to get a decisive impact from overadvancing it simply doesn't warrant taking the risk.  You probably need 7-9 counters on Project Ares before it really hurts the Runner, and to do that you have to leave it out dangling on the table for at least two turns (Fast Advance tricks like Psychographics notwithstanding).  The risk that that Runners comes and steals Project Ares in that time is huge and the amount of tempo you'd lose would be crippling.  I'm sure I won't be able to resist trying to make this card work in a few decks, maybe using Jinteki traps and Trick of Light to persuade the Runner not to check it out before it's too late, but I accept it's probably not a serious card.  Fun times when it works, though.
Kermit Rating: 

NEXT Bronze

Introducing the first NEXT piece of Ice, which the effect of NEXT Bronze suggests will be joined by several more NEXT Ice in future.  Accepting that NEXT Bronze is likely to get better in future I have to say I actually quite like it now as a 2/0 Code Gate that Ends the Run.  If you're a rush-type Corp strategy, which many Haas-Bioroid decks are, then a cheap piece of Ice that keeps the Runner out in the short term is welcome.  Is it as good as Ice Wall?  No, clearly not.  Is it playable as a second bank of cheap ETR Ice?  Yes, definitely.  Time will tell how good NEXT Bronze gets, but right now it's pretty solid anyway.
Kermit Rating:  and maybe  more in future.

Celebrity Gift

A double action to reveal to the opponent up to 5 cards and gain up to 10 credits.  At full strength you've effectively gained something like a double Hedge Fund worth of extra credits at the cost of handing the opponent some information on your hand, which is a not-inconsiderable sum of money.  Let's tackle the two sides of this one at a time: first, you don't have to reveal 5 cards, but as it costs you 3 credits and 2 clicks Celebrity Gift only really makes sense if you're prepared to go all-in and show 4 or 5 cards.  The other side of the equation is what you tell your opponent, and the value of that depends entirely on your deck and your hand - showing your opponent an Agenda and two Snare! is relatively harmless because the Runner has to stay wary of Snare!, but showing them your SEA Source and Scorched Earth could seriously damage your chances of landing the Flatline kill, and showing them the Agendas could just signal open house on HQ.

Importantly, it's cash for Jinteki and Jinteki DESPERATELY needed cash, so it's well-welcome there, and most important is the way Celebrity Gift benefits from being played alongside the standout Corp card from Opening Moves (which we'll discuss soon), Jackson Howard.  Jackson asks Corps to play an Operation-based economy because he will keep a steady supply of economy cards coming, and alongside Hedge Fund, Beanstalk Royalties and Successful Demonstration the Celebrity Gift can be an important part of that style of deck, ensuring a enough high-return economy Operations to give the Corp more cash than Scrooge McDuck
Kermit Rating: 


Himitsu-Bako is a Barrier.  It really is.  It looks like a Code Gate.  It sounds like a Code Gate (Himitsu-Bako is the Japanese for 'Puzzle Box') but this is one enigma that's a Barrier.  Go figure.  And it's a Barrier that I really, really like.  A 2/2 ETR Barrier is excellent value - similar to the excellent Ice Wall, though obviously you can't do any advancing of the Strength like you can with Ice Wall - and the fact that you've got such a good, solid ETR piece of Ice in Jinteki adds something new to that Corporation.  You'll get very little value from the ability to return Himitsu-Bako to hand, but you'll get a ton of value from the three little words "End the run".
Kermit Rating: 

Character Assassination

How much does NBN need a 4/2 Agenda?  About as much as I need a hole in the head seeing as they've already got two excellent 3/2 Agendas in the shape of Astroscript Pilot Program and Project Beale, and the neutral Private Security Force that fits nicely with NBN's tagging strategy.  How much does NBN need the ability to destroy a resource?  Only slightly more than I need a hole in the head seeing as NBN has all the tagging it needs to destroy resources anyway, including the ability to basically replicate the effect of Character Assassination by using Breaking News and a click.  It's not bad, per se, it's just not needed much in NBN.
Kermit Rating: 

Jackson Howard

Printing Jackson Howard changes the game of Netrunner.  Everything about this card has been deliberately priced to make it relatively painless for you to add this card into your deck:

  • He only costs 1 Influence so any Corp can add him.
  • He costs 0 to play, so you don't need to be rich
  • He has trash cost so the worst that happens is the Runner pays 3, so you don't even need to protect him to gain value.

And what do you gain for playing with Jackson Howard?  Jackson helps you in two very different ways, the most obvious of which is that he turns your 'Click: Draw a Card' into 'Click: Draw two cards'.  This ability alone is powerful enough to change a lot about how you want to build Corp decks.  Suddenly one-shot effects like Beanstalk Royalties or Hedge Fund are going to turn up twice as often, reducing the Corp's need to rely on other Assets for long-term economy benefits.  Suddenly your efforts to assemble 'combos' of cards like SEA Source/Scorched Earth or Trick of Light/Archived Memories will come together twice as rapidly.  Suddenly you can keep a hand full of cards to reduce the Runner's odds of hitting Agendas in HQ.  Suddenly you will see Agendas twice as often!

Not impressed yet?  How about the second thing Jackson Howard does - he shuffles your best cards back into R&D so you can draw them again.  Say whaaaat!?!?  Were you playing three copies of Hedge Fund?  Well how about shuffling them back into your deck six times to effectively play nine copies?  Playing a Fast Advance deck with Trick of Light?  How would you like do it more than once?  One of the killer offensive applications for this is Snare!, which you can shuffle back into R&D later in the game to increase the density of traps in your deck and frustrate the Runner.  

Still not convinced?  How about using Jackson Howard to draw extra cards then discarding the unwanted Agendas into Archives to reduce the chance of your opponent hitting Agendas from HQ, then trashing Jackson Howard to shuffle the Agendas back into R&D if the runner decides to check the Archives?  Jackson Howard is effectively a two card combo with himself.

Jackson Howard.  He's quite good.
Kermit Rating: 

Invasion of Privacy

Invasion of Privacy is a card that seems to promise a lot but, unlike Jackson Howard, has been designed so that it is relatively hard to get full value from it.  The temptation is there to throw Invasion of Privacy out on the first turn and destroy the Runner's opening hand, taking away things like Account Siphon, Sure Gamble or Professional Contacts but Trace2 is low enough that, outside of NBN: Making News, it's hard to use Invasion of Privacy for a devastating first turn that shreds the Runner's hand without making the Corp spend enough credits to set them back a similar amount.  Where Invasion of Privacy really shines is in decks where you're not just hoping to use the discard effect as disruption, but to capitalise on the fact that in Netrunner hand size is equivalent to the Runner's health bar and follow up with a Scorched Earth or Ronin to finish the job.

If Invasion of Privacy is pulling double-duty in your deck as damage or disruption then I think it can be quite exciting, particularly in NBN: Making News, but you're hoping to rip the Runner's hand to pieces simply for the hell of it then you're likely to need a pot of spare cash handy to make it worthwhile.
Kermit Rating: 

Geothermal Fracking

How much does Weyland need a 4/2 Agenda?  About as much as... wait, it does WHAT?  Geothermal Fracking is effectively two Hostile Takeovers that have been stuck together with duct tape and shuffled into your deck.  You don't get the cash immediately that has both good and bad connotations - you have to burn clicks to get your 14 (fourteen!) credits, but you also don't have to give the Runner the Bad Publicity cash until you really want to.  Geothermal Fracking gives you such a huge boost of cash that it has to be serious good times, and with a set of this and a set of Hostile Takeovers Weyland can guarantee a solid flow of cash from it's nefarious undertakings to fund the more expensive things in life.

Go on then, I'll wheel Scrooge back out for another dip, because it's well-deserved...

Kermit Rating: 


One of the things Weyland loves to do with its piles of duck cash is invest in some big pieces of Ice (I'm looking at you, Hadrian's Wall) and Swarm joins those ranks as a piece of Ice that can be pretty terrifying once it's advanced.  However Swarm is one of those pieces of Ice that really only shines when you've invested a couple of turns in advancing it, at which point you're often signalling to the Runner what you're looking at.  In a Weyland deck that advances Ice a lot - Ice Wall, Shadow, Hadrian's Wall - the Swarm adds an important element in being a piece of Ice where the advancement counters actually hurt the Runner instead of simply making your passive Ice harder to break.  With Swarm I think most decks will be put off by the amount you have to invest in using the card, but for the decks which can use Swarm properly it's going to be a gamewinner.
Kermit Rating: 

Cyberdex Trial

Cyberdex Trial is very simple - it compresses an effect that all Corps can get from three clicks (purging Virus counters) into single Operation, and a single click.  With Noise and Datasucker decks at the height of their powers right now a lot of people are turning to Cyberdex Trial as a specific answer to their metagame but I feel that, ultimately, it's a card that doesn't do enough to justify inclusion in most decks, particularly well players can always purge virus counters now if they really need to.  Will purging Virus counters for one click make a difference in some games?  Yes, definitely.  Will it happen often enough to justify having a dead card in hand for the other 60% of games where the Runner isn't smashing you with Viruses?  I doubt it.
Kermit Rating: 


Grim is an imposing guard dog of a piece of Ice, with two good points balanced by two bad points.  In the Pros column is that Grim trashes a Program, which is one of the strongest things a piece of Ice can do, permanently hurting the Runner's ability to run.  Also on the plus side is the impressive strength of 5 for a rez cost of only 5, although being Strength 5 rather than 4 doesn't actually make too much difference on a Sentry - Mimic either has a Datasucker for company and can break it, or doesn't, Ninja jumps straight to Strength 5 anyway, and the Criminal decks using Crypsis or Faerie only have to spend a little more cash to get there anyway.

Where Grim really shines is against a half-assembled Atman deck that has an Atman set at 4 and no Datasucker tokens.  How often does that happen against a half-competent opponent?  Not very often.

On Grim's downside is that he doesn't End the run, making him useless in the early game when the Runner hasn't any programs installed and is free-running against your servers, and that you hand the Runner a Bad Publicity token when he is rezed.  The Bad Publicity means you really need to sting the Runner badly when you first rez Grim because from there on in Grim is likely to be working against you.

Will he be played?  I think you'll see one or two copies cropping up in decks relatively often a surprise blow to spring on the Runner mid-game, but I doubt you'll see many players bringing the full set of three copies.
Kermit Rating: 

Wrapping Up

Overall I like the Corporation cards from Opening Moves a lot better than the Runner cards, but that just goes to reset some of the imbalance we found in Creation & Control, where the Runner got all-star cards like Atman, Professional Contacts and Self-Modifying Code while the Corp got very little.  Undoubtedly the best cards are in the Corp; particularly Jackson Howard, Himitsu-Bako and Geothermal Fracking, but there are promising signs for the Runner and we've yet to see if the Caissa turn out to be a whole deck that is being drip-fed into the metagame.

I'm going to enjoy exploring Opening Moves, and trying to blow up the world with Project Ares.  My question to you - what's your favourite card from Opening Moves, and what have I got completely wrong?